Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Dignify Your Inner Dilettante!

Have you been accused of being a Jack of All Trades?  Do people begin to look wary when you tell them with excitement of your latest passion.  Have you tried to squelch the rush of interests that sometimes even you find dizzying?  Have you simply stopped telling people about all of your ideas for future projects to avoid the wise cracks and feeling misunderstood?  If the range and multitude of your interests invite scorn from your single-vision friends and family or if you yourself are starting to wonder if you’ll ever find work or a hobby to settle on, perhaps it’s time to honor your dilettantism!

When I was in college, I used to sit in classes from political science to art to and everything in between and continually think, “I could do that for work!”  My job history ranges from a plant pest inspector’s assistant to a lithographer’s assistant to volunteer work with the Virginia Stage Company, the Chesapeake Bay Foundation and Friends of Women’s Studies and many other posts in between.  I was recently working with a client, currently a speech language pathologist, who listed her interests as including but not limited to photography, bartending, dancing, travel, cooking, writing, singing, massage and fitness.   I was literally tickled by her list because it was at once familiar and inspiring!  I also know, however, that having so many interests may lead to others misunderstanding you as lacking focus or sticktuitiveness.  Have no fear, fellow unique travelers, I have an explanation!

Unique travelers often have the characteristic that is called multipotentiality or the potential to do well at many things.  If one resists squelching the urge to explore as many well-meaning folks around them might advise, the unique traveler may becoming intensely engaged in a pursuit of interest until their curiosity is sated and then easily move on to the next interest with equal enthusiasm. On the other hand, this individual may have several projects going on or be in the process of reading multiple books on a variety of topics at once.  The need to make meaning of the world around us may also lead to the desire to experience many things in an effort to understand more deeply why and how things work.

A little reframing may be in order here, especially if your less than typical range and diversity of interests are causing you to feel a little freaky.  Dignify your inner dilettante by accepting that this may well be an expression of your multipotentiality.  Realize that you are much less likely to become board, more likely to see the world in a connected way and often have an interesting new experience to share in conversation!

What ways have you found to incorporate all of your interests in a comfortable and fulfilling way?  Still perplexed about how to balance it all?  I know a coach who can help you with that! 


  1. Oh, how I love your posts. They keep reminding me that maybe I'm not crazy after all. There is an explanation for my dilettantism. So I should embrace it!

  2. Embrace it so you can make it work for you instead of working against you. Of course a little courage is always involved for the unique traveler!
