Thursday, February 9, 2012


So what do you do when everything happens at once?  In the space of two weeks, I had a big deadline at my day job requiring several hours of extra work, my blog traffic and readership took a healthy leap, my coaching clients tripled and I got sick. Suddenly I was spinning and feeling a bit scattered.  What do you do when even the good stuff feels like a little too much?  Return to your core: your values and vision.

Ask yourself, “Does this task-choice-action align with my values and take me closer to my vision or ideal life?  Is this essential to who and what I want to be right now?”  Clear away the clutter (time, emotion, stuff), allow a little less than perfection, redirect your energy and get back on the path.  When you’ve established these things ahead of time, it’s a whole lot easier to bring it all back into focus.

Do you know what you value?  Do you have a vision for your ideal life or a clearly established goal you’re working towards?


  1. Unfortunately right now, I'm just working towards putting one foot in front of the other and trying to make it through each day with a smile on my face. I know 99 percent of the stress is self-imposed so right now a vision of my ideal life that I am living is to slow down, enjoy the journey, and don't sweat the small stuff. And then send out resumes so I can get the heck out of here to find my ideal life!!

  2. Anticipate what might stop you from slowing down and then plan ahead to avoid the block!
