Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Taking In the Solstice

Thanks to the participants in my workshop today.  We took a look at a values exercise, considered the balanced life and visualized some goals for the summer.  We then recorded a summer wish and went down to sit ocean side for a bit.  Stay posted for more workshop opportunities to learn about coaching and to try out a tool or two!

I also got to take in a softball game this evening and at 8:30 looked up in the sky and took note that it was still light.  I love marking the change of seasons because it keeps me present and helps me to focus on all of the things to be grateful for in each part of the year.

One practice I always engage in at the beginning of the summer is to make a summer list--those things that are priorities to experience during the season.  Some of the items on my list include picking fresh fruit, going to the ocean, playing badminton, driving in the car with the windows down and the a/c on, sitting out on a patio at night and having a drink, taking a nap with a sheet covering me and the fan blowing on me, sitting outside at night and listening to the insect orchestra, walking to the library to check out some books, etc.

What pleasures of the season do you want to make sure you don't miss? 

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for a fun and meaningful day. Can't wait to fill my blank slate. Reading your list makes me feel so fortunate that I get to go to the ocean numerous times a day, sit on my porch with coffee in the am and a drink at night, and enjoy the insect orchestra (interrupted by the parrots and dogs). Life is GOOD!
