Sunday, June 5, 2011

When No One is Looking

As we form our identity, we all count on others to help us see our strengths and to become aware of our challenges.  A healthy perspective on what paths might be more or less likely for us can be helpful as we move toward shaping a future for ourselves.  But it's not always that simple and what others tell us about who we are is not always that helpful.  Just because we're good at something doesn't necessarily mean we'll love doing it.  Just because something seems an unlikely fit doesn't mean that our drive and desire won't overcome our deficits.

What has influenced who you are today?  How much of your life has been shaped by external forces (convention, popular wisdom, standards of the masses, family expectations, education, expert advice, the needs of others, the opinions of others...)?  How much of the life you have created for yourself is the result of acknowledging and listening to the voice within you that says, "This is what gives me light--this is what I love!"

Who would you be if nobody told you who you were?  Who are you when no one else is looking?

"Now I Become Myself"
  by May Sarton


  1. Lovely poem - the idea of standing still is amazing. Although the journey is quite fulfilling, I wonder when I'll reach that point of feeling as though I have become?

  2. Having read a few of Sarton's journals, I know she did a lot of self-exploration on her journey to become herself. I also know, though, that she did it on her own terms. As long as we know we're on a path of our choosing, I wonder how crucial the final destination is... AND maybe we become over and over again--remaking ourselves for the growth we require next. Hmmm...
