Thursday, November 17, 2011

Join My Thanks Giving Tribe!

Several years ago I had the thought that it would be nice if I had a way of giving special thanks to people who did something particularly well or with unusual kindness.  Rather than focusing on how many people don't seem to care about doing a quality job or how often many individuals will look out for themselves before considering the needs of others, I wanted to thank people who were doing a good job and did seem to care.  Look for the good and you will find it.

After giving it a good bit of thought, I created a card that essentially says, "Hey, I noticed the care you took to do a good job or a good deed, and I really appreciate it."  On it, I told the recipient to keep the card or look for someone to pass it on to.  I carry these cards around and look for people that I can give them to from the fast food drive through to the doctor's office to the stranger on the street.  Doing so takes the focus off of what is wrong and places it instead on what is right.  It makes me happy to give them to others, and I hope they enjoy receiving them.

In this season of giving thanks, I would like to share these cards with you.  If you are interested in having a few to pass along, send an e-mail with your address to  You have my word that I will not use your address for any purpose other than sending you the cards.  It is my offer of thanks giving to you!

Wouldn't you like to become part of a tribe of individuals looking for what is good in the world?


  1. This made me realize how much I don't thank you for all of the good you do in this world. So, thank you and even though I get too wrapped up in things please remember I give thanks for you every day!
