Thursday, March 22, 2012

The Cumulative Effect of Little Steps

Here’s the thing.  There are plenty of obstacles that we could let get in the way of creating the life we want to live.  Maybe we’re older than we think we ought to be or the bills are piled up high or we’ve said “yes” so much that there is no room in our lives for our Selves.  Accept that reasoning if you wish.

Or consider this.  There are 24 hours in a day, seven days in a week, about 30 days in a month, 52 weeks in a year.  Are you convinced that it is impossible to spend 20 minutes a day doing something you love (140 minutes a week), one hour a week (52 hours a year), or one day a month (12 days a year) doing something that really matters to you?  Or what if you just took one step a week toward a vision you want to bring to fruition?  If every week you read one article, completed one sketch, made one connection, eliminated some physical or psychological clutter or completed one more task in your big plan, by the end of the year you would be 52 steps closer to where you want to be.

Recently my husband came in to my home office where I was working late after working late.  “Does it feel like work to you?  Because I don’t want you to feel like all you do is work.” “ In fact,” I told him, “it feels great because I’m getting to do what I really want to do.  And look how far I’ve come!”

About this time last year, my coaching business was in its infancy, I read very few blogs and I had no real idea about how to set one up on my own.  What I did have was a passion informed by years of independent study that gave me just enough confidence to believe that I might be able to meet some need in the world.  I also had my share of bills, a family, a demanding day job that was important to me and an energy level that had to be carefully balanced.  By continually taking little risks that required little steps, I added to my bank of progress.  I still have plenty of work to do, but I am much closer to my vision because I do little bit more all the time.

I’m very excited that I’ve just found a designer who is helping me to create a logo and a brand new home for this blog and our tribe.  My original timeline of having everything ready to go for the new year was a bit ambitious, but I just readjusted my plans and kept taking steps towards my end goal.  My progress is imperfect, sometimes comes in fits and sometimes requires that I challenge doubts and insecurities.  But I just keep reminding myself of all the little steps I’ve taken so far and take another.

What little step toward your vision can you take this week and next week and the week after that so that, before you know it, you look over your shoulder and have to squint to see the place where you began?  Are you worth a few minutes of your time?

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