Tuesday, April 26, 2011

What Fills You Up?

So you have a vision of what a great life would look like, but you just don’t have the energy to get started.  Or you can’t even think of setting goals because you don’t know how you could fit one more thing into your life.  Perhaps you would benefit from taking a close look at what saps your energy and what fuels you.  Make the time to complete this simple inventory, and you just might discover some new ways to revitalize yourself and make room for change.

Take a piece of paper and divide it into four sections.  In the top half, list things that drain your energy at work on one side and at home on the other.  On the bottom half, list things that give you energy at work and at home.  What sapping sources are you tolerating or have you been unaware of?  What replenishing sources could you make more room for?

Start by choosing one or two things to eliminate (like constantly running late for work or letting annoying paperwork pile up) and commit to adding something that is an energy source (such as spending 20 minutes in nature or listening to music).

What are your favorite ways to rejuvenate your mind, body and spirit?  What new discoveries have you made?

Adapted from The Institute for Life Coach Training


  1. Lots of things drain me emotionally...trying too hard to be all, never feeling I'm doing my job well enough, letting things pile up. Running in circles, not being able to exercise lately, and not caring enough to eat properly drain me physically. Luckily, meditating and getting outside to enjoy nature have helped me rejuvenate. The nicer weather helps too!

  2. Nancy, I think many of us share your modern day energy drainers. I also think, however, that lots of us often aren't aware of the extent to which we allow these things to dwell in our lives. Simply being aware of them can sometimes send them on their way. Other times a more intentional effort to remove them is required. I'm glad to know that you do have some ways to rejuvenate as well!

  3. I am not often drained, but on those occasions when I am, I find that if I can find the "perfect" song....the "perfect" harmonies, everything will be OK!

    So my key to "the recharge"....that ONE song that no matter what...peps you up...puts some iron in your spine and be able to say...this like everything else will pass...

    That is the bottom lock key. The deadbolt is learning to say..."No."

    :-) peace and long life!

  4. So your "deadbolt no" is what keeps you in balance, Drew? I've found that a hard skill to learn, but lots of experience with too many commitments has made me much better at choosing to say yes only to what is really meaningful to me. Do you have ground rules for what to refuse? What is your perfect song?

    As an introvert working with lots of people, I often have to recharge. I find surrounding myself with lots of green (or whatever the color of nature at the time)is the best reviver for me. I've been known to go to my favorite little nursery just to walk around and take in the calming effect.

  5. The "deadbolt no" is one thing that keeps me in balance. It is a very difficult skill to learn and I will admit, there are times when I slip and say "yes" when I really want to say "no." However, those times are few and far between. I believe that YOU touched it with a pin. Being able to "say yes only to what is really meaningful to me" (not in a selfish way, but attending a tattoo party is NOT key in my life) is the key. I'll ask myself, how does attending this event or that event - how will it improve my connection to it all? What can I bring to this event and what can I take away to improve this mud ball on which we live?

    What do I refuse? Wild parties, overly religious events, anything that if my initial gut feeling says ,"no, you're not needed here." I just don't go. If asked why, I answer honestly. "That is not something in which I want to participate. But thanks for the invite."

    My "perfect" song, is my theme tune for my life. Conjure One's "Extraordinary Way." jejejeje, you can find the lyrics @ https://vedekdrew.wordpress.com/2009/04/28/theme-songs-everyone-should-have-one-heres-mine/

    That song, reminds me that THINGS do not matter.

    Here is another thread that binds us. I too am introverted. Additionally, there is an empathic element here too, so I tend to be "emotionally sensitive." Focused meditation and just a break from it all pushes the "chatter" of the world away. Like you, finding that spot out of doors, away from it all is KEY. Either a nature trail or the beach. I tend to stay away from the ocean front, so I'll find a spot on the Bay (usually down at the tip of Willoughby) and just be.

    Whew... thanks for listening! :-)

  6. Ah, the topic of sensitivity is one that is near and dear to my heart and one that will turn up in a future blog post. I'm listening to your song now and will have to ponder it a bit :). Also plan to take a closer look at your blog! I, too, believe that things do not fill us up and that we spend a lot of energy chasing after them.
