Wednesday, May 4, 2011

What Needs are Crying to be Met?

Needs are part of being human, yet we're taught from an early age that to be tough and independent, we shouldn't have needs.  Don't be so sensitive, so dependent, so...needy!  If you've internalized this message, consider rethinking it.

Like an infant who is hungry or frightened and screams for food or comfort, we are driven by our unmet needs.  Left unaddressed, our needs will block us from moving forward and bringing to fruition our goals and visions.  No matter how "together" we are, new needs can surface at any time, depending on the changing situations in which we find ourselves.

Take a close look at your needs.  Repeatedly complete the statement "I need..." until you can't think of anymore.  For example, I need solitude, harmony, and intellectual stimulation.  If I find that one of these needs is not met for some time, I may become irritable, anxious or uninspired.  Feeling this way may lead to my inability to focus and move forward on goals I have for myself.

Allow yourself to have needs, take an inventory of those needs and then figure out what unmet needs may be blocking your desired progress.


  1. What of the one "need" is one that is well-nigh impossible to have? I speak not of wealth, love, trifles like that. If you can answer that, I would like to continue this thread for a while.


    a pui tardi

  2. Without knowing what the one thing is, Drew, my next question would be are we talking about a need or could it be a want? Do continue the thread as I am very interested to hear more!

  3. You know, upon reflection, I am discovering that there is somewhat of a thin kine betwixt "want" and "need." My "need" is understanding. But an understanding on a GLOBAL level that we as a species are killing ourselves and we are killing this living breathing globe that supports us. I "need" for big corporate to realise that profits are good, but when the people these companies were created to "protect" are just numbers and and our safety is secondary or even tertiary to the bottom line that is wrong. I need a better world in which to live.

    Yeah, kinda touchy feely, but.... that is what I NEED.


  4. Another place where things begin to get entwined, Drew, is where your needs and values may overlap. I’ve got some great values exercises that bring a deeper understanding to who you are at your core! I also hear that this is where one of your passions lie. How do you use this passion in your daily life?
