Saturday, May 21, 2011

Are You Being Well-Served by Your Beliefs?

Here's the thing about beliefs.  Many are literally pathways that have been created in our brain because we have thought them frequently over a long period of time. These rut-like pathways in our brain make it easy for the information to travel through it so that beliefs become effortless occurrences.  The beliefs then set up our mindset or our fixed mental attitude that determines how we will respond to and interpret experiences.  Long-held beliefs may be based on incomplete or inaccurate information.  Left unexamined, these beliefs may limit us and prevent us from moving toward our goals and visions.

Do an inventory of your beliefs to determine whether there are any that are no longer serving you and need to be weeded out.  Is it true that you're better off if you just do everything yourself?  Does the belief that the world is a dangerous place allow you to take the risks necessary to grow?  Is thinking that you are just not one of the lucky ones keeping you fixed in an uninspiring spot?  Is believing that you just need to work harder keeping you running in place?

Once you've identified an outmoded limiting belief, you have to find a new one with which to replace it.  Because a new brain path has to be created, you'll need to work at saying it to yourself over and over again.  In this way, you'll begin to shift your mindset and potentially your life experience!

Adapted from The Institute for Life Coach Training

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