Sunday, December 11, 2011

Looking Forward to a New Ritual in the New Year

I’m fully engaged in the pleasures of the season (watching holiday movies, searching for unique little gifts, drinking peppermint mochas), and I’m not rushing you toward the next holiday.  However, now is the time to consider making a little purchase for yourself.  Why not add to your holiday list, “Purchase a small calendar to keep by my bedside.”  This could be a month-at-a-glance type or a daily record.  I’ve even gotten little compact calendars from the dollar store.  Just make sure it has at least enough room to jot down a few words each day.

Here are some ideas for what you could do with it:

  • At the end of each day, write down an adjective to describe your day.  Over a period of time you can begin to see trends in your mood and outlook.
  • Every day, write down what you are grateful for.  It has been shown that people who express their gratitude about life are more satisfied with it.
  • At the end of each day, write down which of your strengths you have used.  Research suggests that individuals who are able to use at least one of their strengths each day are happier.
  • Before you go to sleep or before you get out of bed in the morning, write down your intention or wish for the day.  This can provide you with a positive focus as you move through your day.
So, add yourself to your holiday shopping list.  Make a small investment and get big returns in the new year!

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