Monday, December 5, 2011

Making Luminous Choices

Who is Stephanie Hathcock?  Why she’s a doctoral candidate teacher of children and adults, derby chick (Mrs. Anthropic Maven to you) married to a Navy Chief who is about to get her first Antarctic cruise on!  She’s taking some risks and sacrificing comforts to seize an exciting opportunity, and I thought you’d like to get to know her.

The day before Christmas (which she really likes), Stephanie will be heading to Antarctica by way of Chile.  She’s decided to do this after her husband (who she really loves) has just returned from a 7 month Navy cruise.  Though it will be hard leaving him after being reunited only briefly and she’s trying not to think too much about missing Christmas, Stephanie decided that this cruise and the work she’ll be doing is part of the ongoing creation of her life worth living.  She’s taking the leap to explore the balmy deep South in their summer (the ice will be floating in chunks rather than forming impenetrable sheets).  Both Stephanie and her husband are excited to see how the other half lives when it is she who is out to sea and he who is holding down the fort at home. 

Armed with her Aveda tea, seasick patches and camera, Stephanie will be joining a crew of scientists who will be trying to find the source of iron concentrations in the Ross Sea.  Her job will be to incorporate what the scientists are doing into palatable material for school-aged kids.  She’ll be creating a website and writing a blog to help peak students’ interest and give them a first-hand look at the scientific process in action.  Though her opportunities for communication during her six week journey will be limited, Stephanie will check in with us once or twice to let us know how her leap into adventure is unfolding.  Will Stephanie make friends with the sea?  Stay tuned to find out!

What comforts and pleasures would you be willing to give up to seize an opportunity on your path to creating a life you find well worth living?

1 comment:

  1. You go girl!!! My class and I would love to follow your journey. How cool is this?
