Thursday, July 14, 2011

Are You A Busy Bee-ing?

"It's not so much how busy you are, but why you are busy.  The bee is praised.  The mosquito is swatted."
                                                                                                                                         ~Mary O'Connor

Most of us are pretty busy--it seems to be a fact of modern day life.  The more gadgets we have to make things simpler, the busier we seem to get. Stillness is often an intentional act with planning required.  In some cases, being busy is more comfortable than being still.  

I have a summer break and still I'm as busy as ever.  The difference is that much of what I choose to be busy with is just that--a choice.  The choice itself, I understand, is somewhat of a luxury.  I've found myself reflecting in my quiet moments about all of my busyness.  Am I making good choices about how and why I am busy?  What is the goal I am working toward?  Am I busy in an attempt to avoid something else?  How will I balance my busyness with a much needed respite?

In the midst of all your busyness, take a moment to pause and ask yourself, "Is my activity more like a bee or a mosquito?" 


  1. It took me a few days to be able to relax and stop feeling like I was supposed to be busy doing something. but the Greeks on these islands we are visiting are good at not being busy. I think I've become very good at it, too, and am really enjoying it.

  2. I think I might just agree with the idea that one must "get away" to really disconnect and relax. I just read an article that said that it would take a long weekend just to decompress and get ready to relax. I hope your whole month renders you completely blissful!
