Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Doing Hard Things

For the past month, I have been doing really hard things.  Hard because they’ve been unpleasant, required a lot of courage and persistence and brought up a lot of anxiety.  In part I’ve done these things because I want to improve my life and get it more aligned with my values. A lot of it has also been one of the last big pushes toward the completion of some very unexpected but ultimately positive life changes. 
I have been motivated to a degree by the knowledge that sacrificing time and pleasure now means greater long-term satisfaction.  I also know that, regardless of how much energy we put into distracting ourselves from the unpleasant tasks and issues that lurk in our lives, their shadow is always right behind us shading any pleasure and peace we might be seeking.

I’m not suggesting that checking things off your list will mean new things won’t pop up.  I’ve learned that, around every corner, new challenges await us.  However, I’ve also been reminded of an epiphany I had last year when confronting something difficult: When you do the thing that you have been most afraid to do, somehow everything releases and unanticipated possibilities open up. 

Even small things like a bill or a conversation or a choice, when left unattended, can steal joy from everyday living.  What hard thing do you need to confront that would release you from stress and open up possibilities?  What one hard thing could you get out of your way today?


  1. Very timely post. When I get back I am going to get my mother's estate settled. It really steals a lot of my time stressing over it. Even on vacation it is one my mind, dang it! And I am avoiding it because it is hard...I don't know what the hwpeck I am doing, but I am going to figure it out or hire someone to do it for me.

  2. Do whatever it takes! I think you won't even realize how much energy it is sapping until you feel the difference when it is done. That's my experience these days, anyhow. Lots of sighs of relief and then...on to the next thing!
