Sunday, October 9, 2011

A Little Help from My Friends

Hello Friends.  I will be presenting a session this month at the Virginia Association for the gifted state conference titled "Life Coaching for Self-Understanding and Potential Fulfillment."  I'm going to be talking with folks about the natural fit of life coaching with the needs of the gifted.  I'll be sharing some of this presentation here is upcoming posts.

Several of you have sent me personal e-mails or responded to a post on the blog to let me know how learning about being a Unique Traveler has affected you.  If you have been reading the Unique Traveler posts and have seen yourself reflected here, would you consider sending me a brief e-mail letting me know what it has meant to you to learn about the characteristics and experiences of unique travelers?  I would like to use some of these as quotes in my presentation.  I will not use any names, but will simply identify them as quotes from readers.

Thanks for considering this request and for showing up to read my blog!

1 comment:

  1. Eeeks! I'm behind in my reading of the posts. Ummm, I feel under the gun to think right now. I'm sure my quotes would not be too inspiring anyway. But I'll think about it after I read the other posts I've missed.
