Monday, October 31, 2011

Luminous Changes are Coming!

In January I'll be unveiling a new look and a new series for the blog.  With a little help from my creative connections, I'll be making the look of the blog more uniquely mine.  I'll add a new dimension to the content with a new series on everyday folks living luminous lives.  From a world class photographer to an environmentalist, and an artist/hypnotist/belly dancer who range in age from 20 something to 70 something (to name a few), I'll be sharing with you some individuals who have dedicated themselves to living luminous lives.  I'll attempt to add a little light to the dark days of winter.

Right away, though, I'll be offering a sneak preview of luminously living individuals later this week.  My first example is in the midst of a great adventure, and I don't want to wait to share him with you.  Watch for him later this week.  Also look for a little thanks giving in November and a little gift giving in December from me to you!

And in honor of Halloween...don't be haunted by a life undefined, a vision unfulfilled or a passion kept under wraps!  With a coach by your side gobblins in dark corners become mere dust bunnies easily swept up, and I happen to know a very good one who is eager to help!

Please stay tuned!